Sunday, March 22, 2009

we owe it all to God

Just a quick update today. Yesterday we pulled Jack off the oscillator, and today he has had consistently good stats. His blood gases have been good, and he has been weaned down on the oxygen percent a good bit. Even his fluid has been draining out of his abdominal cavity. So today is a really good day, and we owe it all to God. We have been pouring over the Word and finding all the different possible verses we can that speak of healing and delivered promises. (If you have any good ones, let us know! We've been writing the ones we find on post-its and sticking them to the walls and doors. Thank you all for your consistent prayer and your dedication to our child. We're sorry that you can't come back and see him now, but I promise that when we bring him home, we'll show him off like crazy.

Today our specific prayers that you can aid us in are that his catheter for his abdomen will continue to drain, and that he will continue to resist infection or sickness. Also pray that his blood pressure would be maintained so that they can continue to aggressively pull the fluid from his blood and wean him further on his medicines.

-Angi, Tony, Gaige, and Jack

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